Jim Allen
818 HWY 66
Plattsmouth, NE 68048
(402)639-2737 (c)
To enter a team, contact me by phone or e-mail, and e-mail you a statistician login to enter your Team.
Huskerland Duals and AAU State
Huskerland State Tournament.
March 14-15, 2026
March 28-29, 2026
MARCH 07th & 9th, 2025
Buffalo County Fairgrounds
3807 Avenue N
Kearney, NE 68847
Jim Allen
(402)639-2737 (c)
(Limited to 32 teams)
6th – 8th Grade Teams will begin at 2:00 p.m. All team members must weigh in together. No exceptions. (All wrestlers will receive a 2-pound allowance.) Following the NFHS Rules Book. Wrestling starts at 3:00.
There will be 13 weight classes with weights following weight classes.
75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 160, 180, HWT (250 Max)
A wrestler may only wrestle their qualifying weight class and one weight class above that weight class in accordance with the NFHS rule book. (For example, if a wrestler weighs in at 99 he would be eligible to wrestle 100 and 112-pound weight class only.
(Limit of 32 teams)
3rd-5th Grade Team weigh-in will begin at 7:00 a.m. All team members must weigh in together. No exceptions. (All wrestlers will receive a 2-pound allowance.) Following the NFHS Rules Book. Wrestling starts at 8:00
There will be 13 weight classes with weights following weight classes.
55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 112, 130, HWT (200 Max)
A wrestler may only wrestle their qualifying weight class and one weight class above that weight class in accordance with the NFHS rule book. (For example, if a wrestler weighs in at 99 he would be eligible to wrestle 100 and 112-pound weight class only.
Entry Fee: $600 for 1 team in both groups or 2 teams in one group
Single Team Entry Fee: $350
Jim Allen
818 HWY 66
Plattsmouth, NE 68048
(402)639-2737 (c)
To enter a team, contact me by phone or e-mail, and e-mail you a statistician login to enter your Team.
When arriving at the Fairgrounds, come to the Pavilion Entrance to pick up your dual packet. You will receive two free coaches passes and one Table Worker Lanyard (the Lanyard is for table workers only, can not coach with lanyards). All teams are required to provide one table worker to run the score clock.
All wrestlers must have an AAU card to compete in Huskerland Duals. AAU cards can be purchased at www.aauwrestling.net. Select Join AAU, then click on the green Register now.
MARCH 8th, 2025
Buffalo County Fairgrounds
3807 Avenue N
Kearney, NE 68847
Dan Vacha
(402) 578-5252
YOU MUST COMPETE IN AAU STATE NEBRASKA TO QUALIFY TO BE ON A DUAL TEAM. We will be taking a total of 204 wrestlers to Iowa and 120 wrestlers to Disney for a total of 324 wrestlers from across the state.
Click HERE for a full document about how to qualify for a dual-team
K – 2nd | No Weigh-in or Walk-ins | 8:00 AM |
3rd – 4th Boys 5th – 6th Boys | Friday 6 PM – 8 PM & | 9:00 AM |
7th – 8th Boys 6th – 8th Girls | Friday 6 PM -8 PM & | 12:00 PM |
HS Boys & Girls | Saturday ONLY 11:30 AM – 2 PM | 3:00 PM |
Here are the weight classes and weights for AAU State:
K-2nd Boys and Girls: 4 man Round Robins with 4 closest weights
(The weight you enter when registering will be what you are bracketed at. IF you are challenged ($25 fee), you must be within 2lb of the heaviest weight posted in the bracket)
3rd – 4th Boys: 45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100,107,115,125,140,165,HWT (200 max) (5th-6th grade will get priority on the Nebraska Dual team. If you wish to compete for a spot on that team, you must register for 5-6th or double bracket)
5th – 6th Boys: 45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100,107,115,125,140,165,HWT (200 max)
We reserve the right to combine groups (3-4 & 5-6 in place of wrestle-offs. For example, we if have 3 wrestlers at 45 3-4th and 1 at 5-6th, we will combine.)
7th – 8th Boys: 75,80,85,90,95,100,105,110,115,120,125,130,135,140,145,152,160,171,189,HWT (250 max)
9th-12th Boys:
106,113,120,126,132,138,144,150,157,165,175,190,215,Hwt (285 max)
3rd – 5th Girls:
(50,56,62,) 3-5th dual team only (68,74,82,90,100,110) combo between 3rd-8th to wrestle-off for dual team (120, 135, and HWT) NOT eligible for dual team
6th – 8th Girls:
(68,74,82,90,100,110,) combo between 3rd-8th to wrestle-off for dual team (120,135,150,170,Hwt-(200 Max)-6-8th only weights for dual team
9th-12th Girls:
100,105,110,115,120,125,130,135,140,145,155,170,190, Hwt (260 max)
MARCH 22-23, 2025
Buffalo County Fairgrounds
3807 Avenue N
Kearney, NE 68847
Dan Vacha
(402) 578-5252
MARCH 22rd (Saturday)
7:00-8:00 5th-6th– Weigh-ins (Must weigh-in in a singlet)
9:00 Wrestling Starts for 5th-6th
9:00-10:30 7th-8th and High School– Weigh-ins (Must weigh-in in a singlet)
12:00 Wrestling Starts for 7th-8th and High School
MARCH 23th (Sunday)
7:00-8:00 3rd-4th – Weigh-ins (Must weigh-in in a singlet)
9:00 Wrestling Starts
9:00-10:30 Pre-K -2nd – Weigh-ins (Must weigh-in in a singlet)
12:00 Wrestling Starts
Please contact: DanVacha@gmail.com to get this rate.
Single entry: $30 if paid online ($25 K-2nd), $40 if unpaid or walk-in ($35 K-2nd).
***Due to everyone’s support, we have been able to operate under budget and give 100% of all proceeds back into NEBRASKA wrestling.
We are offering a pure Novice division for 7th – 8th grade BOYYS AND GIRLS. (This division is for only wrestlers with 2 years or less wrestling experience with little to no club experience.) 7th – 8th-grade Novice WILL NOT count toward the team score.
High School will not count toward team points.
All registration is done online on Track Wrestling. REGISTRATION CLOSES FRIDAY (21TH) AT NOON
The direct link is: REGISTER NOW
Please remember to pay online or you will be charged the walk-in rate.
MARCH 9, 2025
Buffalo County Fairgrounds
3807 Avenue N
Kearney, NE 68847
Jim Allen
(402)639-2737 (c)
Here are the weight classes and weights for GIRLS DUALS.